Code of Conduct
The primary purpose of DFW Toy Expo is for the attendees to have fun. To make this happen, DFW Toy Expo has established certain rules of conduct. These rules were created to ensure the behavior of any one individual or group of attendees does not disturb the enjoyment of another attendee, nor detract from the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of the event. DFW Toy Expo welcomes everyone; however, the event's management reserves the right to deny or revoke the attendance of any individual, at any time, for any reason. This action may be undertaken when an individual's presence or behavior causes significant interference with event operations or adversely affects the organization's relationship with its guests or with its venue. DFW Toy Expo also reserves the right to amend these rules at any time without prior or posted notice. If you have any questions, please contact the event operations staff for assistance. Anyone who accepts a DFW Toy Expo badge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DFW Toy Expo from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual's activities at DFW Toy Expo, even if such injury or damage is caused by negligence by or on the part of DFW Toy Expo. Anyone who accepts a DFW Toy Expo badge agrees to abide by our Code of Conduct.
General Rating of the Event
DFW Toy Expo prides itself on presenting an atmosphere that is comfortable for video game fans of all ages and from all lifestyles, as such DFW Toy Expo attendees are expected to act accordingly. All event areas are considered ”E for Everyone" at all times, except for events or exhibits that are specifically noted to be inappropriate for minors. Access to these activities is monitored by DFW Toy Expo Security staff.
Attendance by Minors
DFW Toy Expo strives to maintain an environment that is safe and enjoyable for attendees of all ages. DFW Toy Expo cannot take responsibility for the actions of individual attendees. Nor will DFW Toy Expo assume responsibility for minors. A minor is defined as a person under 18 years of age who has not been legally emancipated from his or her parents. All minors must be escorted by an adult during the event. DFW Toy Expo will not assume any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any minor. Even with such permission, minors may not attempt to attend any events intended for mature audiences unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Firearm Policy
DFW Toy Expo doesn't allow the possession of any firearms into our event. Open Carry/CHL/LTC or any other combination doesn't grant permission to bring a firearm onto the premises. Unless you are previously approved Security/Staff for DFW Toy Expo - please do not bring a firearm into the building. The only exception to this rule will be for off duty peace officers - as we legally cannot deny off duty peace officers entry, solely due to their possession of a firearm. However, it will be the responsibility of the off duty peace officer to identify yourself as such, and provide your badge/ID when requested. We understand not everyone will read this, so we will implement a "check system" for unapproved items to be checked with DFW Toy Expo Staff. Any item that is checked in with our staff will be left at your own risk, so we suggest you have other arrangements. We are not responsible for any damage or theft of checked items.
Weapons Policy
Prop weapons are welcome but must be checked in with security promptly upon arrival. Sharp corners, metal rods, or any other elements of weapons that may be dangerous to others will not be allowed. If constructing a prop, please err on the side of caution or contact us ahead of time for approval. No real weapons, or any item that can be easily mistaken for a weapon, may be carried either openly or concealed at any time in event space, regardless of any concealed carry permits. On such an occasion, a staff member may take any reasonable measures to ensure the continued safety of DFW Toy Expo attendees, which could include remanding the attendee in question immediately to the custody of the local police. These policies are enforced at all times. You must check in any items deemed as potential weapons with our event staff or be prepared to return the item to your car/hotel room. DFW Toy Expo Staff will not be held accountable in any way for them. DFW Toy Expo attendees leave all items at their own risk. At check-in, attendees will be required to label each item with their legal name and phone number. To retrieve checked-in items, it will be necessary to present a state issued ID and attendee badge. No item will be released to any persons refusing to present the aforementioned articles. DFW Toy Expo reserves the right to inspect all items coming into and out of DFW Toy Expo event areas. DFW Toy Expo is not responsible for the items checked in with event staff. DFW Toy Expo may not be held responsible for any item damaged or otherwise affected. DFW Toy Expo also reserves the right to remove any suspicious items to preserve the safety of other items.
Sales of Merchandise
The offering for sale of any merchandise at the event may be undertaken only in the Vendor area or by special arrangement with the DFW Toy Expo staff. All sales will be governed by the rules applicable to the approved vendors. Anyone wishing to sell goods or merchandise must first obtain pre-approval from DFW Toy Expo. Please note that it is illegal to sell merchandise or services in any area of the hotel not designated for such activity. Such actions constitute "illegal solicitation," and may result in the perpetrator being removed from hotel grounds.
Personal Conduct in Event Areas and in Hotel Public Areas
There is no smoking or vaping in any portion of the convention center or hotel. Our hosts respectfully request that those who step outside to smoke kindly refrain from standing directly in front of any of the entrances, as the smoke is carried inside. Please take notice of posted signs. Please remember that you are a guest of the hotel, and that there may be other guests staying or dining at the hotel who are not attendees of the event. Please maintain a level of noise appropriate to the time and place. We expect everyone to cooperate fully with DFW Toy Expo staff, hotel staff, and any local security or law enforcement personnel. "Disorderly conduct" includes any fighting, any inappropriate horseplay, or any actions that may disturb or disrupt any event or hotel functions. Disorderly conduct may result in revocation of your badge. Attendees must not attempt to cross any barriers (such as curtains or stanchions) without being accompanied by a DFW Toy Expo staff member. Crossing such a barrier or otherwise entering an area that is off-limits to our attendees may result in suspension of your attendance and removal from the event.
DFW Toy Expo provides a safe, welcoming, and harassment-free event experience for everyone. This protection is all-encompassing, and covers all characteristics, including, but not limited to a person's: sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, color, religion, national origin, age, political affiliation, social aptitude, speech impediments, gaming platform preference, skill in fighting games, or enjoyment of Japanese anime. Anyone from any lifestyle is welcome at DFW Toy Expo, if they do not intentionally do any action that hinders the enjoyment of other attendees. Harassment of any kind, including but not limited to physical assault, sexual assault, sexual harassment, battery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, harassing photography, or recording, or unwelcome physical attentions, will not be tolerated. If a person says "no" or asks you to leave them alone, you must do so. Do not follow them or attempt to disrupt their event experience in any way. If you continue to provide unwelcome attention to another attendee, you may have your badge revoked without refund, you may be removed from the premises, and you may be barred from attending future DFW Toy Expo events. Please understand that, regardless of whether the behavior in question amounts to a violation of the law, it may be considered harassment and a violation of this policy. If an individual stalks, harasses, or attempts to assault you at a DFW Toy Expo event, please report that individual to a member of the event staff as soon as possible, and appropriate action will be taken. If you witness harassment occurring, please encourage the victim to report it to event staff. This prohibition against harassment applies to not only attendees, but also everyone employed by DFW Toy Expo, volunteer staff, guests, panelists, and hotel employees. All attendees should feel as though they can report harassment regarding any person associated with DFW Toy Expo, regardless of that person’s position. No retaliation by DFW Toy Expo employees or volunteer staff will be tolerated. DFW Toy Expo staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe at DFW Toy Expo. Any and all information relating to the victim’s claim of harassment will be treated by DFW Toy Expo as confidential unless otherwise required by law, overriding public health and safety concerns, or authorized by the parties in question. We are not responsible for mediating any interpersonal problems that arose between individual attendees outside of our events. Thus, we can take no action to prevent a person from attending the event unless that person has made a specific and credible threat toward the event itself. If you feel that a threat exists against your person, we advise you to seek a restraining order against the individual in question and to present it to our security in advance of the event at If you obtain a restraining order against someone prior to the event and you know that they are attending the event, please provide this information to us so that we may prevent the other person from registering and attending. If you are unable to obtain a restraining order, we recommend avoiding that individual, and reporting them to security immediately if they violate this harassment policy during the event so that appropriate action may be taken. Conversely, any attempt to have an innocent person removed from the event by falsely accusing them will be treated as an act of harassment and dealt with appropriately. The responsibility for settling interpersonal disputes lies solely with the individuals involved. DFW Toy Expo will not tolerate being used as a leveraging point in such disputes.
Substance Abuse
The sale or distribution of any illegal or controlled substances is prohibited at DFW Toy Expo. Any individual found distributing such substances will be removed and reported directly to the local authorities. DFW Toy Expo asks that alcoholic beverages be consumed in the privacy of a hotel room and not taken into any event spaces. Please note an important caveat involving minors: Anyone knowingly or unknowingly providing alcohol or aiding others in providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 will be guilty of a felony and will be turned over to the local authorities. It is the sole responsibility of persons serving alcohol in room parties to ensure that every person in attendance is over the age of 21, regardless of whether the host or any party attendees are drinking alcohol. Anyone caught drinking under the age of 21 is guilty of a Misdemeanor and may be penalized harshly. No alcohol may be consumed in DFW Toy Expo function rooms.
Use of Video or Audio Recordings and Media Relations
For the purposes of this section DFW Toy Expo denotes any private happenings as all concerts, panels, movies, tournaments, game rooms, and any other events or areas only open to attendees with valid badges. The term "recording" means any media capturing medium or devices, audio, visual, or otherwise. You, the videographer, retain full copyright rights to the recordings you shoot but not to the content contained within DFW Toy Expo. DFW Toy Expo grants you, the videographer, a creative commons share-like non-commercial attribution license to any recordings you make at or of DFW Toy Expo. Uses beyond this license require permission from DFW Toy Expo. You agree to grant DFW Toy Expo a non-exclusive, sub-licensable irrevocable, perpetual, and universal license to use, distribute, perform and/or to incorporate your video in other works in any form, media, or technology, including for-profit use. DFW Toy Expo attendees may be photographed or otherwise recorded by other attendees. By accepting a DFW Toy Expo badge, you are consenting to having your image published. If you prefer not to have your picture taken, please inform DFW Toy Expo staff. If anyone continues to photograph or record you against your will, it will be treated as harassment (see above). DFW Toy Expo permits (and encourages) attendees to share photographs of their event experience on personal web pages. Video and audio recordings, however, are subject to the above provisions. Parties interested in making recordings or performances for public interest uses should contact DFW Toy Expo Staff via
Participants at DFW Toy Expo events are granting their permission to be photographed or recorded by authorized DFW Toy Expo individuals. By attending our event, you inherently grant DFW Toy Expo permission to use such images or footage for archival, commercial, or promotional purposes. If you do not wish to grant this permission, please inform DFW Toy Expo staff or security.
Payments to DFW Toy Expo
DFW Toy Expo accepts cash and credit card payments through our registration system. We will attempt to resolve any dispute involving a credit card payment to DFW Toy Expo following the tenets of good faith and fair dealing. Chargebacks (denying payment to a credit card company for a specific charge) that are made for the sole purpose of avoiding payment, made without sufficient cause, or that are made without first attempting to resolve the dispute with DFW Toy Expo may result in permanent revocation of attendance privileges and possible legal action. Attendees who have an outstanding balance due to DFW Toy Expo must settle that balance before being permitted to attend the event. Should DFW Toy Expo need to process a refund, it must be processed on the same credit card for which the original purchase occurred. If that credit card is no longer active or not at the event, then DFW Toy Expo will issue a refund check after the event. This is a requirement in the terms of service with our credit card companies and cannot be violated. DFW Toy Expo does not accept checks or money orders of any kind, in any form. DFW Toy Expo will not be involved in any financial disputes between individual attendees and cannot divulge information about an individual attendee to any party other than to banking officials or legal authorities acting on a legal order.
Miscellaneous Notes
The standards of conduct for DFW Toy Expo will be strictly enforced by DFW Toy Expo security volunteers who will be clearly identified as such on site. Please remember that your badges are property of DFW Toy Expo for the duration of the event and must be presented and/or surrendered to any Staff member requesting it. If you have any problem with any action taken by a Staff member you may take the matter to the Chief of Security or DFW Toy Expo's Operations Managers. We make every attempt to be fair, but we cannot tolerate behavior that threatens the peace and well-being of our attendees or organization. DFW Toy Expo accepts no liability for actions of any kind taken by individuals in the confines of private hotel rooms. Anyone intending to host a party is strongly suggested to check for DFW Toy Expo badges on partygoers, and to deny entrance to any person who is not a member of the event. Responsibility for incidents occurring in hotel guest rooms rests solely upon the individual in whose name the room is rented. This includes payment for any and all damage, whether caused intentionally or unintentionally. Please note that if DFW Toy Expo is provided with sufficient evidence to suggest that illegal activities, particularly those that may cause harm to another person or to the well-being of the event as a whole, will be taking place in a hotel room, we have both a civic and a moral responsibility to report such information to the appropriate authorities. All applicable local, state, and federal laws must be obeyed while in attendance at DFW Toy Expo. Please be reminded that these rules involve, of course, "worst-case" scenarios and are put into place to ensure the safety and comfort of our attendees. We appreciate that our attendees are rational, responsible, and respectful individuals, but recognize that there are exceptions. DFW Toy Expo is prepared to deal with any or all the above scenarios in as rapid and efficient a manner as possible should they occur. We thank our attendees for their past cooperation and for their continued assistance in making this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Have fun - just please be courteous to those around you.